Quality learning in achievement contexts is an important feat for enhancement and development. In a similar vein, in the contexts of secondary schooling, academic engagement is a major element for scholarly consideration (e.g., "I really enjoy coming to school, and taking part in these social activities"). In the area of educational psychology, there have been various cognitive (e.g., achievement goal orientations) and noncognitive (e.g., self-concept) theories that note and explain individuals' learning, academic engagement, motives, etc. Bandura's (1986) social cognitive theory, especially the tenets of personal self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977(Bandura, , 1997 have been researched and used to account and predict individuals' cognition and behaviors in educational and non-educational settings.This theoretical review then, explores a few identified issues related to quality learning -for example, one's sense of identity and how this psychosocial facet features in the teaching and learning processes. We also scope, in the latter section of this article, the potency of personal self-efficacy in the contexts of quality learning and school engagement, and how this theoretical orientation, in totality, may result in effective practices and continuing research development.