The main objective of this study was to determine the relationship between self-determination, self-compassion and the five-factor personality traits of university students. Moreover it was aimed to determine whether self-compassion, self-determination and personality traits predict patience levels at a meaningful level. The sample population of this research consisted of a total of 1166 students; 704 female and 462 male students from the Universities of Bartın, Batman, Konya Necmettin Erbakan and Selçuk. The age range of the students was 17-30 and the average age was 20.89. The method used to determine students' patience points was the patience scale, which was developed by Schnitker [43] and adapted to Turkish by researchers Eliükük and Arslan [16]. The Self-Compassion Scale (Deniz, Kesici & Sümer,[15]), the Adjective Based Personality Test (SDKT) (Bacanlı, İlhan & Arslan, [2]) were used in order to determine the self-compassion scores and the Autonomous Self-Determination Scale (Ersoy & Güldü,[15]) was used to determine the self-determination scores. As a result of the research, a positive relationship was found between all sub-dimensions of patience and self-compassion. There was a significant relationship between the sub-dimensions of patience and the sub-dimension of self-determination. A positive correlation was found between the sub-dimensions of patience and Agreeableness, Openness to experiences and conscientious and a negative relation with Neuroticism. When self-compassion, self-determination and the five-factor personality traits were evaluated separately and together, it was seen that they can predict all sub-dimensions of patience.