One-dimensional Bose gas with contact interaction in optical lattices at zero temperature is investigated by means of the exact diffusion Monte Carlo algorithm. The results obtained from the fundamental continuous model are compared with those obtained from the lattice (discrete) Bose-Hubbard model, using exact diagonalization, and from the quantum sine-Gordon model. We map out the complete phase diagram of the continuous model and determine the regions of applicability of the Bose-Hubbard model. Various physical quantities characterizing the systems are calculated, and it is demonstrated that the sine-Gordon model used for shallow lattices is inaccurate. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.93.021605 The Bose-Hubbard model (BHM) was introduced in 1963 [1,2]. While the original motivation was to describe a crystalline solid, for which the model failed, the BHM became one of the fundamental quantum many-body problems. It has found clear-cut realization with ultracold atoms in deep optical lattices. This led to the seminal observation [3] of the superfluidMott-insulator quantum phase transition [4] following the proposal of Ref. [5]. In many aspects the experiments surpass the theory as shallow optical lattices can be easily realized, while an exact quantum many-body description of such systems is lacking. Even the case of deep optical lattices is controversial, as the scattered discussions demonstrate [6][7][8][9][10][11], indicating the necessity to go beyond the standard BHM (for a review, see Ref. [12]). Nevertheless, the BHM is commonly used for lattice systems in different dimensions and it frequently works very well. Still, there arise natural and important questions that have motivated the present work: When can it be used with confidence? What is the regime of validity of the BHM?The discrete BHM is derived from a continuous space model that, due to its complexity, has only been addressed recently [13][14][15][16][17][18]. In this Rapid Communication, we use the exact diffusion quantum Monte Carlo method [13,15,[19][20][21] and investigate one-dimensional Bose gas in optical lattices using a continuous Hamiltonian in real space. We compare the results with those obtained from the BHM and determine its regions of validity. Furthermore, a whole new generation of clean experiments on one-dimensional Bose gases loaded in optical lattices [22,23] have appeared, while the comparison of theory with experiment is not perfect [24,25]. We also analyze the sine-Gordon (SG) model, commonly used for shallow lattices [9,26,27], and show that it cannot be straightforwardly used to predict the position of the phase transition and the value of the gap [24]. We calculate the static structure factor, the one-body density matrix, the energy gap, and the Luttinger parameter and its dependence on the interaction and lattice strengths. Finally, we compare our results with the experiments of Ref.[24]-surprisingly, our theory, which is in principle superior to all approximate ones, does not always provide a better description.The first quant...