Termos para indexação: pasteurização, lipólise, metilcetonas, maturação de queijos.
GORGONZOLA TYPE CHEESE MANUFACTURED WITH MILK PASTEURIZED BY THE HTST AND STEAM EJECTOR SYSTEMS:PHYSIC-CHEMICAL AND SENSORY PARAMETERS ABSTRACT -The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of two pasteurization systems (HTST and steam ejector) on the physic-chemical and sensory characteristics of Gorgonzola type cheese. Sampling and analysis were conducted at 5, 25, 45, 65 and 85 days of ripening. Along the maturation period, pH, acidity index, salt/humidity, gradually increased. Cheeses manufactured with milk pasteurized by the HTST system had average values of pH higher than those manufactured with milk pasteurized by the steam ejector system. Milk pasteurized by the steam ejector system produced cheeses with higher acidity index (lipolysis) and methylketones, which indicate a higher lipolytic activity in these cheeses. The sensory evaluation carried out at 65 days of maturation shows that there was no significant difference between the two treatments, concerning exterior aspects, color, consistence, texture and flavor. However, a significant difference in relation to mold development and aroma was noticed. Cheeses manufactured with milk pasteurized by the steam ejector system, display higher lipolytic activity and mass softer and closer.Index terms: pasteurization, lipolysis, methylketones, cheese ripening.
INTRODUÇÃOO consumo de queijos mofados no Brasil tem, a partir da década de 70, aumentado significativamente, bem como o interesse por parte das indústrias na elaboração desses produtos. Uma das melhores opções é, sem dúvida, o célebre queijo Gorgonzola, o qual tem sua origem no Vale do Pó, na Itália. Segun-1 Aceito para publicação em 12 de março de 1999.