Sensitivity encoding (SENSE) and partial Fourier (PF) techniques both reduce MRI acquisition time. Two-dimensional SENSE uses coil sensitivities to unfold aliasing in the phase/ slice-encoding plane. One-dimensional PF and homodyne reconstruction are routinely applied in the frequency/phase-encoding plane to compensate for nonsampled k-space of the presumed real magnetization. Recently, a modified 3D elliptical centric acquisition was proposed to facilitate 2D-PF and homodyne reconstruction on an undersampled phase/slice-encoding plane. In this work we hypothesized that this 2D-PF technique can be combined with 2D-SENSE to achieve a greater acceleration factor than what each method can provide separately. Reconstruction of data whereby SENSE and PF are applied along the same axes is described. Contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) results from experiments using four receiver coils in phantom and volunteer studies are shown. In 11 volunteer studies, the SENSE-PF-homodyne technique using sevenfold acceleration (4؋ SENSE, 1.7؋ PF) consistently pro- Three-dimensional (3D) contrast-enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) has become a well accepted technique for clinical imaging of many vascular regions (1,2). Since it was first described over a decade ago (3,4), a number of methods have been developed to improve the attainable spatial resolution. These include shorter repetition times (TRs), faster and stronger encoding gradients, and specific k-space acquisition techniques. One example of the latter is the elliptical centric (EC) view order (5,6), which because of its intrinsic suppression of venous signal allows extensive acquisition times and potentially high spatial resolution. Another example is projection reconstruction (PR) (7,8), which provides high spatial resolution with robust insensitivity to undersampling artifacts. These methods continue to evolve.Simultaneously with these advances in CE-MRA has been the development of parallel imaging methods (9 -11), in which sparse sampling is implemented along the phaseencoding axes. These have been successfully applied in various ways to CE-MRA, resulting in reduced scan time, improved spatiotemporal resolution, and additional venous suppression (12-17). Partial Fourier (PF) imaging is an additional, older method for accelerating data acquisition (18,19). Under the assumption that the magnetization of the imaging object is purely real, the resultant conjugate symmetric property of k-space is exploited, allowing in principle a twofold reduction in the number of measured data points. In practice, the actual time savings is less than twofold, due to the need to collect additional samples near central k-space to account for a phase map across the imaging plane. Current PF techniques are typically implemented in one dimension, either along the frequency readout axis (partial echo) or the phase-encoding axis (partial number of excitations (NEX)). Even with these advances there continues to be a need for improved spatial resolution (near 1 mm isotropic) and shorter acquisiti...