To develop and demonstrate in vitro and in vivo, a single interventional MR-active device that integrates the functions of precise identification of a tissue site with the delivery of RF energy for ablation, high-resolution thermal mapping to monitor thermal dose, and with quantitative MRI relaxometry to document ablation-induced tissue changes for characterizing ablated tissue.
Materials and Methods
All animal studies were approved by our Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. A loopless MRI antenna comprised of a tuned micro-cable either 0.8 or 2.2mm in diameter with an extended central conductor, was switched between a 3T MRI scanner and an RF power source, to monitor and perform RF ablation in bovine muscle and human artery samples in vitro, and in rabbits in vivo. High-resolution (250–300μm) proton resonance frequency shift MR thermometry was interleaved with ablations. Quantitative spin-lattice (T1) and spin-spin (T2) relaxation time MRI mapping was performed pre- and post-ablation, and compared with gross tissue examination of the region of ablated tissue, post-MRI.
High-resolution MRI afforded temperature mapping in under 8s for monitoring ablation temperatures exceeding 85°C delivered by the same device, producing irreversible thermal injury and necrosis. Quantitative MRI relaxation time maps revealed up to a two-fold variation in mean regional T1 and T2 post-vs. pre-ablation.
A simple, integrated, minimally-invasive interventional probe that provides image-guided therapy delivery, thermal mapping of dose and the detection of ablation-associated MRI parametric changes was developed and demonstrated. This single-device approach avoided coupling-related safety concerns associated with multiple conductor approaches.