Remarkable bedding features occur in MiddleCambrian platy limestone of the Western Hills close to Beijing in NE-China, which are intercalated in a sequence of shallow water carbonates (mudstones, storm deposits, oolitic grainstones). The platy limestone beds (up to 5 cm thickness) have undergone complex diagenetic compaction and pressure solution. Varying facies types are characterized by wavy, stylolitic boundaries with different thickness of clay accumulation and common lateral pinch out. Crosscutting relationships of stylolites commonly destroy primary bed-surfaces. This indicates an intimate interfingering resulting in an indenting fabric of primary separated facies types. Nevertheless, primary sedimentary boundaries can be recognized. There occur varying types of compaction features documented by different stylolite types with varying amplitudes and thickness of clay-enrichments (parallel clay seams, stylolamination, stylo-nodular and stylo-brecciated structures with multi-grained seams).