We present theory and algorithms for the computation of probability-weighted "keep-out" sets to assure probabilistically safe navigation in the presence of multiple rigid body obstacles with stochastic dynamics. Our forward stochastic reachability-based approach characterizes the stochasticity of the future obstacle states in a grid-free and recursion-free manner, using Fourier transforms and computational geometry. We consider discrete-time Markovian switched systems with affine parameter-varying stochastic subsystems (DMSP) as the obstacle dynamics, which includes Markov jump affine systems and discrete-time affine parameter-varying stochastic systems (DPV). We define a probabilistic occupancy function, to describe the probability that a given state is occupied by a rigid body obstacle with stochastic dynamics at a given time; keep-out sets are the super-level sets of this occupancy function. We provide sufficient conditions that ensure convexity and compactness of these keep-out sets for DPV obstacle dynamics. We also propose two computationally efficient algorithms to overapproximate the keep-out sets -a tight polytopic approximation using projections, and an overapproximation using Minkowski sum. For DMSP obstacle dynamics, we compute a union of convex and compact sets that covers the potentially non-convex keep-out set. Numerical simulations show the efficacy of the proposed algorithms for a modified version of the classical unicycle dynamics, modeled as a DMSP.