Soil quality is one of the things considered in the selection of agricultural land. The Cianjur District Agriculture Service has problems in determining soil quality assessments quickly and accurately. There are several factors that affect soil quality, including soil fertility. Decision Support Systems (DSS)) can help related agencies to determine the quality of soil fertility in an area more quickly and precisely. There are five criteria considered, namely the level of soil contamination, oxygen levels, moisture content, nutrients and level of fertilizer use. The method used in the calculation is the simple multi attribute rating technique (SMART). There are five alternative areas that will be assessed for the quality of soil fertility, namely the Ciranjang, Kadupandak, Cijati, Sukaluyu and Sukanagara areas. Software engineering uses the waterfall method which consists of four stages, namely planning, analysis, design, and implementation. System modeling uses the unified modeling language (UML). From the SMART calculation results, the highest soil fertility quality value was obtained, namely in the Kadupandak area with a total value of 0.933 and included in very good quality farming landRiwayat Diterima