Topological entanglement structure amongst disjoint torus boundaries of three manifolds have already been studied within the context of Chern-Simons theory. In this work, we study the topological entanglement due to interaction between the quasiparticles inside three-manifolds with one or more disjoint S 2 boundaries in SU(N ) Chern-Simons theory. We focus on the world-lines of quasiparticles (Wilson lines), carrying SU(N ) representations, creating four punctures on every S 2 . We compute the entanglement entropy by partial tracing some of the boundaries. In fact, the entanglement entropy depends on the SU(N ) representations on these four-punctured S 2 boundaries. Further, we observe interesting features on the GHZ-like and W-like entanglement structures. Such a distinction crucially depends on the multiplicity of the irreducible representations in the tensor product of SU(N ) representations.A Computing the states |Ψ 3 and |Ψ 4 54 B Racah matrix for (2, 1) representation of SU(N ) 59