This work is mainly focused on two major topics in cloud platforms by using OpenStack as a case study: management and provisioning of resources to meet the requirements of a service demanded by remote end-user and relocation of virtual machines (VMs) requests to offload the encumbered compute nodes. The general framework architecture contains two subsystems: 1) An orchestrator that allows to systematize provisioning and resource management in OpenStack, and 2) A resource utilization based subsystem for vibrant VM relocation in OpenStack. The suggested orchestrator provisions and manages resources by: 1) manipulating application program interfaces (APIs) delivered by the cloud supplier in order to allocate/control/manage storage and compute resources; 2) interrelating with software-defined networking (SDN) controller to acquire the details of the accessible resources, and training the variations/rules to manage the network based on the requirements of cloud service. For resource provisioning, an algorithm is suggested, which provisions resources on the basis of unused resources in a pool of VMs. A sub-system is suggested for VM relocation in a cloud computing platform. The framework decides the proposed overload recognition, VM allocation algorithms for VM relocation in clouds and VM selection.In the framework of cloud computing, resource provisioning is the method of assigning networking, compute, and (ultimately) energy resources to a cluster of applications, in a way that propose to jointly fulfill the performance necessities of the users of the cloud resources, the applications, and the infrastructure suppliers. The requirements of the suppliers revolve around operational and effective resource deployment within the limitations of SLAs with the cloud users. Operational resource deployment is usually achieved through virtualization tools, which enable numerical pooling of resources through customers and applications. The goals of the cloud users are subjective to the scaling of existing resources as a concequence of changing application demands, their availability and application performance [1].In this study, an instrumentation framework for resource provisioning and organization is suggested, which allows to automate resource organization and provisioning for users across network and clouds by: 1) manipulating APIs delivered by the cloud supplier in order to compute and allocate/control/manage storage resources; 2) networking with SDN controller to obtain the details of the existing resources, and inculcating the rules/changes to organize the network dependent on the cloud service necessities. For resource distribution, a proposed algorithm distributes resources on the basis of unused resources in a pool of VMs. Moreover, a service perception model is used, which is supplied to the orchestrator for provisioning the resources dynamically and analytically based on the necessities of the demands made by remote end-user.To that end, in this paper, we present an integrated orchestration of cloud and network resour...