Many physical problems involve unbounded domains where the physical quantities vanish at infinities. Numerically, this has been handled using different techniques such as domain truncation, approximations using infinitely extended and vanishing basis sets, and mapping bounded basis sets using some coordinate transformations. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Yet, approximating simultaneously and efficiently a wide range of decaying rates has persisted as major challenge. Also, coordinate transformation, if not carefully implemented, can result in non-orthogonal mapped basis sets. In this work, we revisited this issue with an emphasize on designing appropriate transformations using sine series as basis set. The transformations maintain both the orthogonality and the efficiency. Furthermore, using simple basis set (sine function) help avoid the expensive numerical integrations. In the calculations, four types of physically recurring decaying behaviors are considered, which are: non-oscillating and oscillating exponential decays, and non-oscillating and oscillating algebraic decays. The results and the analyses show that properly designed high-order mapped basis sets can be efficient tools to handle challenging physical problems on unbounded domains. Decay rate ranges as large of 6 orders of magnitudes can be approximated efficiently and concurrently.