This paper deals with the combined economic emission load dispatch (CEELD) problem with and without the integration of renewable energy sources (RESs), in some more rational test scenarios of single CEELD and multi-objective CEELD (MO-CEELD) optimization. Hence, an efficient and coherent approach is presented to minimize the generation and emission cost using one of the bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithms named flower pollination algorithm (FPA). The evolution of a power system along with the integration of RESs demands equal advancement in the operation and control algorithms of the power grid. Therefore, the proposed approach in this paper offers an evolutionary single and multiobjective optimization process based on a bio-inspired FPA. Further, it has been validated by achieving the best compromise solution (BCS) using the Pareto categorizing process and fuzzy membership function. Moreover, different study cases comprising eleven and fifteen thermal units with and without considering RESs are tested with the proposed technique. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is tested by comparing the simulation results with some already existing techniques in terms of overall fuel and emission cost. Significantly, it has been noticed from the results that it outperforms all the previously presented approaches like PSO, DE, GSA, AEO, BA, and dBA, thus justifying its applicability.INDEX TERMS Combined economic emission dispatch, fuzzy membership function, multi-objective flower pollination algorithm, Pareto categorizing process, price penalty factor approach.