The vadose zone plays a significant role during artificial recharge via the infiltration basin. Its thickness, lithology, heterogeneity, among others greatly affect the recharge efficiency. The main objective of this research is to establish the role of the vadose zone and the impacts of infiltration basin features and vadose zone factors on water distributions. In this work, an ideal conceptual model was considered, and mathematical models were built using HYDRUS (2D/3D) software package version 2.05. A total of 138 numerical experiments were implemented under seven types of experimental conditions. The experimental data were analyzed with the aid of correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that infiltration basin features and vadose zone factors had various impacts on water distribution, low permeability formation had various effects on evaporation depending on its depth, and there were consistent, similar, or different variation trends between infiltration and recharge. In conclusion, it is recommended that when the vadose zones are to be chosen as an infiltration basin site, the trade-off among the infiltration, recharge, storage, and evaporation should be seriously considered. This paper may contribute to a better understanding of the vadose zone as a buffer zone for artificial recharge.