Multiboson symmetrization effects on two-particle Bose-Einstein interferometry are studied for ensembles with arbitrary multiplicity distributions. This generalizes the previously studied case of a Poissonian input multiplicity distribution. In the general case we find interesting residual correlations which require a modified framework for extracting information on the source geometry from two-particle correlation measurements. In sources with high phase-space densities, multiboson effects modify the Hanbury Brown-Twiss (HBT) radius parameters and simultaneously generate strong residual correlations. We clarify their effect on the correlation strength (intercept parameter) and thus explain a variety of previously reported puzzling multiboson symmetrization phenomena. Using a class of analytically solvable Gaussian source models, with and without space-momentum correlations, we present a comprehensive overview of multiboson symmetrization effects on particle interferometry. For event ensembles of (approximately) fixed multiplicity, the residual correlations lead to a minimum in the correlation function at nonzero relative momentum, which can be practically exploited to search, in a model-independent way, for multiboson symmetrization effects in high-energy heavy-ion experiments. C