including both metallic and nonmetallic systems with controlled geometry and compositions. These nanoscale materials derived from liquid phase synthesis have been extensively exploited for a plethora of applications, from biomedicine, energy to optoelectronics. [1] However, the accessible materials in bottom-up liquid phase synthesis have been limited by the mild reaction temperature (<350 °C in most cases) that prohibits the formation of strong covalent bonds, and the close-to-thermodynamic equilibrium reaction conditions that favor only energetically more stable phases. In top-down approaches, this issue can be partly mitigated though the use of chemical or physical methods that enable the cutting or scissoring of bulk materials into 2D, 1D, and 0D nanostructures of diverse chemical compositions that are usually not easily accessible by bottom-up synthesis. For instance, this process has been extensively exploited for chemical and physical exfoliation of bulk van der Waal compounds into their 2D form. [2] The tools that are employed in the top-down processes could be chemical redox reactions that brutally breaks covalent or non-covalent bonds by the use of, e.g., a strong oxidizing agent, as well as