The clinical efficacy of a fixed combination of 10 mg amitriptyline and
0.5 mg flupenthixol (Lu 7410) was studied in 30 (15 endomorphous and 15 psychogenic)
depressive patients over 4 weeks. Stepwise titration of the drug resulted in an optimal daily
dosage of 6 tablets (1 table, morning, 1 at noon, and 4 in the evening). Based on the ECDEU
Global Score the overall symptomatology improved significantly as early as in the first
week and was best in the third week. Evaluation of the detailed psychopathology by means
of the AMP-system showed, that aside from thymoleptic properties, Lu 7410 has a stimulatory-
activating-effect (improvement of drive) as well as an anxiolytic-sedative component
(improvement of suicidal tendencies, agitation and sleep disturbances). While the former is
seen predominantly in low doses and in endomorphous depressions, the latter is prominent
in higher doses and in psychogenic depressions. There was a lack of extrapyramidal side
effects as well as of alterations in blood count, blood chemistry and ECG. Psychological
tests supported the clinical observations, inasmuch as a significant increase of extroversion
and aggressivity was seen in the FPI of endomorphous depressives, while psychogenic depressives
revealed decreases in extroversion and sociability. Moreover, a decrease in the
Taylor anxiety score and increase in concentration was noted, based on the AD test. The
results will be discussed.