Many cellular populations are tightlypacked, for example microbial colonies and biofilms [39,10,41], or tissues and tumors in multi-cellular organisms [11,29]. Movement of one cell inside such crowded assemblages requires movement of others, so that cell displacements are correlated over many cell diameters [28,6,31]. Whenever movement is important for survival or growth [15,34,38,9], such correlated rearrangements could couple the evolutionary fate of di↵erent lineages. Yet, little is known about the interplay between mechanical stresses and evolution in dense cellular populations. Here, by tracking deleterious mutations at the expanding edge of yeast colonies, we show that crowding-induced collective motion prevents costly mutations from being weeded out rapidly. Joint pushing by neighboring cells generates correlated movements that suppress the di↵erential displacements required for selection to act. Such mechanical screening of fitness di↵erences allows the mutants to leave more descendants than expected under non-mechanical models, thereby increasing their chance for evolutionary rescue [2,5]. Our work suggests that mechanical interactions generally influ-ence evolutionary outcomes in crowded cellular populations, which has to be considered when modeling drug resistance or cancer evolution [1,22,34,30,36,42]. As a model system for crowded cellular populations, we focused on colonies of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae [33]. Since yeast cells lack motility, colony expansion is fueled purely by the pushing forces generated by cellular growth and division [14,7]. To explore how these pushing forces a↵ect the strength of natural selection, we competed "mutant" cells, carrying a growth-rate deficit, with faster-growing "wild-type" cells in expanding colonies (Fig. 1a-c). Mutant and wild-type cells remained in well-segregated sectors during the expansion [15], which allowed us to use time-resolved fluorescence microscopy to monitor the gradual demise of the mutant fraction. We then measured the rate at which mutant cells are out-competed by faster-growing wildtype cells at the expanding front of a linear colony (Fig. 1c).We found that mutants were weeded out from the expanding frontier in two main stages. In the first stage, the width of mutant sectors decreased at a constant rate. This is in line with a minimal model where local front expansion velocities depend only on the cell-type specific growth rates of the "pioneer" 1