We focus on the special situation of D = 2J of the general spin-S Blume-Capel model on the square lattice. Under the infinitesimal external magnetic field, the phase transition behaviors due to the thermal fluctuations are discussed by the newly developed tensor renormalization group method. For the case of the integer spin-S, the system will undergo S first-order phase transitions with the successive symmetry breaking with the magnetization M = S, S − 1, ...0. For the half-integer spin-S, there are similar S − 1/2 first order phase transition with M = S, S − 1, ...1/2 stepwise structure, in addition, there is a continuous phase transition due to the spin-flip Z2 symmetry breaking. In the low temperature regions, all first-order phase transitions are accompanied by the successive disappearance of the optional spin-component pairs(s, −s), furthermore, the critical temperature for the nth first-order phase transition is the same, independent of the value of the spin-S. In the absence of the magnetic field, the visualization parameter characterizing the intrinsic degeneracy of the different phases clearly demonstrates the phase transition process. where the spin variable S takes 2S + 1 values: (−S, −S + 1, ..., S − 1, S). J is the coupling constant, D is the strength of the single-ion anisotropy and h is the magnetic field. The sum of the first term runs over all the nearest neighbors. Firstly, we consider the case of h = 0. When D = 0, this model is reduced to the classical Ising model. When D goes to the positive infinity, the energy favorable state is the one with the full occupation of the smallest spin component. For the integer spin cases, the component is S = 0. For the half-integer cases, the component is S = ±1/2. If we look at the hamiltonian of any bond linking two * Electronic address: liping2012@cqu.edu.cn sites i, j, then we haveHere, q is the coordination number depending on the lattice structure. This formula can be rewritten asfrom which, it leads to the following conclusions for the ferromagnetic coupling(J > 0): when D > qJ/2, the configuration of the ground state is S i = S j = 0, S i = S j = 1/2(−1/2)(depending on the spontaneous breaking), respectively for the integer and half-odd spin-S cases; when D < qJ/2, the configuration of the ground state is S i = S j = max(S) for any spin-S cases. As a result, we have a special situation, i.e., D = qJ/2, where the ground state is S i = S j with (2S + 1)-fold degeneracy. Once the magnetic field h is turned on as a smallness, the ground state degeneracy is lifted in the case of D = qJ/2. The positive smallness h make the system go into the ground state S i = S j = max(S) as the case D < qJ/2 with h = 0. Without loss of the generality, we focus on the square lattice hereafter. Then, q = 4 and D = 2J is the special parameter. The phase boundaries of the square lattice [3,4,6,8] end at (T /J, D/J) = (0, 2), i.e., for D = 2J, and the critical temperature is T c = 0 for the general spin cases when h = 0.Motivated by the special parameter point and the though...