The overall mission is research and fundamental technological development for a sustainable future global air transport system. Following the vision of zero fossil fuel usage in aviation in a 2050 timeframe, reducing material and noise emissions while keeping air transport affordable on short to long range missions, SE²A focuses on significantly reducing the aircraft energy demand in combination with future energy storage and conversion technologies. This large design space makes preliminary system design and assessment based on models of different fidelity level indispensable. In this paper, the framework and research structure of the Cluster is described as well as a special focus on relevant and required vehicle technologies. This follows the need for a significant reduction of the mission energy to allow for future alternative propulsion systems and covers means for radical reductions in aircraft drag and dynamic loads, which in turn allow for reduced operating empty weight. An overall aircraft design methodology is employed for integration and assessment of technological progress. Such analysis is used to identify and quantify snowball effects and to prioritize technologies, but also to identify conflicting areas and requirements.