In this study we documented the effectiveness of a 3-week multidisciplinary rehabilitative intervention in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain. We compared the therapy group (136 patients: 91 female, 45 male) with a waiting list control group (34 patients: 25 female, 9 male). The patients showed chronic pain grades 1 and 2 (according to the Mainz Pain Staging System) and mild restriction of activity. Pain intensity, activity, participation, and health-related quality of life improved significantly in the intervention group (VAS from 46.34 to 25.91; FFbH-R from 19.79 to 18; PDI from 21.02 to 14.57; NHP from 161.83 to 120.97); the waiting list control group remained unchanged. The improvement was independent of age, gender, duration of disease, work status, or workplace satisfaction.