T lymphocytes have been found to harbor P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and to demonstrate modulation of its ion channel transporter function according to the state of activation of T lymphocytes. We hypothesized that cytotoxic chemicals that are extruded by Pgp could be used to specifically eliminate immunoreactive T-cell populations. In this study, we evaluated the capacity of 4,5-dibromorhodamine methyl ester (TH9402), a photosensitizer structurally similar to rhodamine, a dye transported by Pgp, and which becomes
IntroductionGraft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is the principal cause of mortality and the primary limitation to the early and widespread use of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT), a treatment that often represents the only curative option for numerous patients with malignant diseases and hereditary metabolic disorders. Depletion of T cells capable of recognizing and mounting an immune response toward host cells from stem cell grafts abrogates GVHD. [1][2][3][4] However, the elimination of T cells also results in delayed T-cell reconstitution and, thus, an increased rate of infection, particularly with viral agents such as cytomegalovirus, herpes zoster, and Epstein-Barr virus. [5][6][7] In addition, the eradication of mature T cells is associated with an increased risk of graft rejection and an increased incidence of relapse of malignant disease. 1,5,[8][9][10] Thus, T cells are required early after allogeneic transplantation and depleting the graft of its T-cell content is not an ideal approach to prevention of complications after transplantation. Although new immunosuppressive agents offer options to decrease the incidence and severity of GVHD, most of the time these strategies are only partially effective and may also increase the incidence of viral and fungal infections and other adverse effects of profound immunosuppression. To provide a solution to this conundrum, selective inactivation or elimination of alloreactive donor T lymphocytes could allow early immune recovery and response toward infectious agents, and potentially preserve graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) activity. [11][12][13] In addition, a strategy to selectively eliminate immunoreactive T cells could represent an important advance for the treatment of a large number of patients with autoimmune disorders.Recently, there have been significant efforts to try to identify and eliminate T-cell subsets capable of mounting an immune response toward host cells and mediating GVHD. Strategies targeting CD6 ϩ or CD8 ϩ T cells demonstrated convincing potential for the prevention of GVHD in HLA-matched transplants using related and even unrelated donors. [14][15][16] Interestingly, the elimination of donor T-cell subsets did not translate into a greater incidence of graft rejection. 17 Moreover, the partial loss of GVL activity that occurs with T-cell depletion was able to be restored through the administration of donor lymphocyte infusions at a time when patients are at lower risk for GVHD. 18 Delaying the infusion of donor T cells until the early po...