We study the multifractality (MF) of critical wave functions at boundaries and corners at the metal-insulator transition (MIT) for noninteracting electrons in the two-dimensional (2D) spinorbit (symplectic) universality class. We find that the MF exponents near a boundary are different from those in the bulk. The exponents at a corner are found to be directly related to those at a straight boundary through a relation arising from conformal invariance. This provides direct numerical evidence for conformal invariance at the 2D spin-orbit MIT. The presence of boundaries modifies the MF of the whole sample even in the thermodynamic limit. Anderson metal-insulator transitions (MITs), i.e., localization-delocalization transitions of noninteracting electrons, are continuous phase transitions driven by disorder. At the transition, wave functions (WFs) are neither localized nor simply extended, but are complicated scale invariant fractals exhibiting multifractal behavior characterized by a continuous set of scaling exponents [1,2,3,4]. In two dimensions (2D) the universal critical properties at a host of conventional phase transitions are known to be described by conformal field theories (CFTs) [5]. It is natural to expect that disorder-averaged observables at a localization transition in 2D are also governed by a CFT. If so, then conformal symmetry should impose severe constraints on averages of local quantities, including moments of WF amplitudes.In a recent Letter Subramaniam et al. [6] extended the notion of multifractality (MF) to the boundaries of the sample ("surface MF"), and showed that near boundaries critical WFs are characterized by MF exponents that are different from those in the bulk. Moreover, it was predicted that the MF of the entire system depends crucially on the presence or absence of boundaries, even in the thermodynamic limit. In this Letter we study surface MF at the MIT in 2D for non-interacting electrons with spin-orbit scattering (symplectic universality class) [7], and extend the surface MF analysis to boundaries with corners ("corner MF"). Conformal symmetry, if present, would lead (following [8]) to a simple exact prediction relating corner and surface MF exponents. Here, we show numerically that at the 2D spin-orbit MIT this prediction is indeed valid, thereby providing direct evidence for the presence of conformal symmetry at this MIT. We also confirm the dependence of the MF of the whole system on the presence of boundaries, as predicted in [6].We begin by introducing corner and surface MF [6, 9] for a rhombus [Fig.