Carbon nanotubes (CNTs; allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure) have emerged as one of the most commonly used types of nanomaterials, with numerous applications in industry and biomedicine. However, the inhalation of CNTs has been shown to elicit pulmonary toxicity, accompanied by a robust inflammatory response with an early-onset fibrotic phase. Epithelial host-defense proteins represent an important component of the pulmonary innate immune response to foreign inhalants such as particles and bacteria. The short palate, lung, and nasal epithelium clone-1 (SPLUNC1) protein, a member of the bactericidal/permeability-increasing-fold (BPIF)-containing protein family, is a 25-kD secretory protein that is expressed in nasal, oropharyngeal, and lung epithelia, and has been shown to have multiple functions, including antimicrobial and chemotactic activities, as well as surfactant properties. This study sought to assess the importance of SPLUNC1-mediated pulmonary responses in airway epithelial secretions, and to explore the biological relevance of SPLUNC1 to inhaled particles in a single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) model. Using Scgb1a1-hSPLUNC1 transgenic mice, we observed that SPLUNC1 significantly modified host inflammatory responses by increasing leukocyte recruitment and enhancing phagocytic activity. Furthermore, we found that transgenic mice were more susceptible to SWCNT exposure at the acute phase, but showed resistance against lung fibrogenesis through pathological changes in the long term. The binding of SPLUNC1 also attenuated SWCNT-induced TNF-a secretion by RAW 264.7 macrophages. Taken together, our data indicate that SPLUNC1 is an important component of mucosal innate immune defense against pulmonary inhaled particles.Keywords: SPLUNC1; BPIFA1; carbon nanotube; fibrosis; inflammationThe advancement of nanotechnology presents many opportunities and benefits for new materials with significantly improved properties, as well as revolutionary applications in the fields, for example, of electronics, energy, environment, biomaterials, and medicine (1). Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs; allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure) have emerged as one of the most commonly used types of nanomaterials, with numerous applications in industry and biomedicine. SWCNTs have a diameter of only approximately 1 nanometer, but their length can be more than a million times greater. Although SWCNTs are versatile and beneficial in various applications, the inhalation of these nanoparticles exerts negative effects on the normal physiological functions of lungs, and causes pulmonary toxicity (2-5). We previously demonstrated that the pharyngeal aspiration of SWCNTs elicits pulmonary effects in C57BL/6 mice, with a combination of robust, acute inflammation and early-onset yet progressive fibrosis and granulomas (2, 5, 6). The early phase of lung innate immune responses to SWCNTs is characterized by inflammation mediated by phagocytic cells, namely, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and alveolar m...