A wireless sensor network (WSN) may be a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices exploitation sensors to watch physical or environmental conditions. The wireless sensor network (WSN) may be a combination of sensing, computation, and communication into one small device. A detector network consists of associate in nursing array of detector networks of diverse varieties interconnected by a wireless communication network. Detector knowledge is shared between these detector nodes and used as input to a distributed estimation system. The system extracts relevant data fromthe offered knowledge. Basic style objectivesof detector networks embody reliableness, accuracy, flexibility, value effectiveness, and easy readying. Every node has a minimum of a detector with associate in nursing embedded processor, and low power radius. It acts as data supply, sensing and aggregation knowledge samples from the setting. Node may act as data sink, receiving dynamic configuration data from alternative nodes or external entities. The top portion of a node will be associate in nursing antenna. A WSN system incorporates a entry that has wireless property back to the wired world and distributed nodes. This Network is predicated on IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 [16,17]