Public reporting burden for this Collection Of information IS estimated to average I hour Per response. includn t iefrrv'ew..g instructions, Searclsnhge-15tlng data sources. ¢jt m n atatn,nJ the data needed., and completing and reviewingj the colletion of intormation 9n o mnsr~rm hsbre tlaeo B te ~OC ftt Navalh Reeac Laoatr NRLtr M1 hs udnetmaor andume ad~l fti f intongton Headquarters Srvices Directorate information Operations and Re6o942 121S Jeferson Da S SI MONToR VA 2202-4302, and to the Office of (S) anagere"I and Budget. Paperwork SOuNSOOn Project (0704-01M). Wasington. OC 20503