Studies of phase and elemental composition, defect substructure of surface layer of Cr18Ni10Ti stainless high chromium steel subjected to alloying by electroexplosion method were performed by techniques of X-ray structural analysis, optical and electron microscopy. Titanium and boron were chosen as alloying elements. It has been stated that electroexplosion alloying of steel results in the formation of surface layer having a multiphase submicro-nanocrystallyne structure being characterized by the presence of micropores, microcracks and microcraters. Dependence of phase composition and microhardness of surface layer on relation of titanium and boron masses at electroexplosion alloying has been revealed. It has been found that microhardness of the modified layer is determined by relative masses of titanium borides’ fractions in the surface layer of steel and it may increase 18-fold that in the initial (prior to electroexplosion alloying) state.