We examine the proposal that the high levels of ecological specialization seen in many animals has been driven by benefits in decision accuracy that accrue from this resource-use strategy. Using artificial analogs of real neural processing (artificial neural networks), we examine the relationship between decision accuracy, level of ecological specialization/generalization, and the punishment/reward for selecting non-host resources. We demonstrate that specialists make more accurate resource-use decisions than generalists when the consequences of using a non-host are neutral or positive but not very positive. Pronounced unsuitability of non-host resources in fact promotes higher decision accuracy in generalists. These unusual predictions can be explained by the special properties of neural processing systems and are entirely consistent with patterns of performance of many specialists in nature, where non-used resources are, curiously, often quite suitable for growth and reproduction. They potentially reconcile the long-observed discrepancy between the presence of high levels of ecological specialization in many animal groups and the absence of strong negative fitness correlations across resources. The strong theoretical support obtained here, and the equally good support in experimental studies elsewhere, should bring the ''neural limitations'' hypothesis to the forefront of research on the evolutionary determinants of ecological range.ecological range ͉ generalization ͉ herbivore ͉ neural limitations ͉ plant E cological range of the organism can be defined as the number of different resources used by an organism to feed, reproduce, and survive. Ecological range directly impacts on many of the most pressing environmental concerns to humans, including the response of species to manmade or natural environmental perturbation, establishment of invasive organisms, extinction risk, and biodiversity levels (1-4). Ecological range as a research theme would probably have been ''done and dusted'' some time ago if it were not for the curious fact that many specialists can survive well on resources they do not normally use (5-7). Why, then, does specialization on a limited subset of suitable resources sometimes evolve if chances of encountering suitable resources can be maximized by simply expanding range onto the many suitable resources available? We call the resources normally used by a species ''host resources'' and the non-used resources ''nonhost resources.'' Describing a resource as non-host does not indicate whether it is a suitable resource for that species or not. One might expect naively that non-used resources must be unsuitable, but we have already mentioned the empirical evidence against the universality of this association. There are numerous alternative mechanisms to strict nonsuitability of non-host resources (negative genotypic fitness correlations in evolutionary genetic parlance) that may contribute to defining an organism's ecological range (5,6,8), and here we concentrate on one of the most promising; a ...