Using the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) as a "booster-rocket", the functional renormalization group (fRG) can be upgraded from a weak-coupling method to a powerful computation tool for strongly interacting fermion systems. The strong local correlations are treated non-perturbatively by the DMFT, while the fRG flow can be formulated such that it is driven exclusively by non-local correlations, which are more amenable to approximations. We show that the full frequency dependence of the two-particle vertex needs to be taken into account in this approach, and demonstrate that this is actually possible -in spite of the singular frequency dependence of the vertex at strong coupling. We are thus able to present the first results obtained from the DMFT-boosted fRG for the two-dimensional Hubbard model in the strongly interacting regime. We find strong antiferromagnetic correlations from half-filling to 18 percent hole-doping, and, at the lowest temperature we can access, a sizable d-wave pairing interaction driven by magnetic correlations at the edge of the antiferromagnetic regime.