Abstract. CULTURESAMPO is an application demonstration of a national level publication system of cultural heritage contents on the Web, based on ideas and technologies of the Semantic (Web and) Web 2.0. On the semantic side, the system presents new solutions to interoperability problems of dealing with multiple ontologies of different domains, and to problems of integrating multiple metadata schemas and cross-domain content into a homogeneous semantic portal. A novelty of the system is to use semantic models based on events and narrative process descriptions for modeling and visualizing cultural phenomena, and for semantic recommendations. On the Web 2.0 side, CULTURESAMPO proposes and demonstrates a content creation process for collaborative, distributed ontology and content development including different memory organizations and citizens. The system provides the cultural heritage contents to end-users in a new way through multiple (nine) thematic perspectives, based on semantic visualizations. Furthermore, CULTURESAMPO services are available for external web-applications to use through semantic AJAX widgets.
A Basis for Cultural Heritage on the Semantic WebIn our view, a cross-domain semantic cultural heritage portal [1] should be built on three pillars: First we need a cross-domain content infrastructure of ontologies, metadata standards, and related services, that is developed and maintained on a global level through collaborative local efforts. Second, the process of producing ontologically harmonized metadata should be organized in a collaborative fashion, where distributed content producers create semantically correct annotations cost-efficiently through centralized services. Third, the contents should be made available to human end-users and machines thought intelligent search, browsing, and visualization techniques. For machines, easy to use mash-up APIs and web services should be available. In this way, the collaboratively aggregated, semantically enriched knowledge base can be exposed and reused easily as services in other portals and applications in the same vein as Google Ads or Maps 1 .1