1H-15N HMQC spectra were collected on 15N-labeled sperm whale myoglobin (Mb) to determine the tautomeric state of its histidines in the neutral form. By analyzing metaquoMb and metcyanoMb data sets collected at various pH values, cross-peaks were assigned to the imidazole rings and their patterns interpreted. Of the nine histidines not interacting with the heme in sperm whale myoglobin, it was found that seven (His-12, His-48, His-81, His-82, His-113, His-116, and His-119) are predominantly in the N epsilon2H form with varying degrees of contribution from the Ndelta1 H form. The eighth, His-24, is in the Ndelta1H state as expected from the solid state structure. 13C correlation spectra were collected to probe the state of the ninth residue (His-36). Tentative interpretation of the data through comparison with horse Mb suggested that this ring is predominantly in the Ndelta1H state. In addition, signals were observed from the histidines associated with the heme (His-64, His-93, and His-97) in the 1H-15N HMQC spectra of the metcyano form. In several cases, the tautomeric state of the imidazole ring could not be derived from inspection of the solid state structure. It was noted that hydrogen bonding of the ring was not unambiguously reflected in the nitrogen chemical shift. With the experimentally determined tautomeric state composition in solution, it will be possible to broaden the scope of other studies focused on the electrostatic contribution of histidines to the thermodynamic properties of myoglobin.