Access to clean and non-polluting energy has been defined as a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). In this context, countries such as Colombia have promoted policies and incentives for the implementation of energy projects with non-conventional sources of energy. One of the main energy alternatives available is related to the use of residual biomass left by agribusiness supply chains, such as sugarcane. In Colombia, sugar cane is grown and harvested all year round, due to the local tropical climate. The model we propose addresses the question of the selection of the plots whose crop residue will be transported for energy production on a given day. We built a Mixed-Integer Programming model to decide which plots to harvest on a given day. Although no additional energy is generated in the model, the results show that it is feasible to replace all coal used in the boilers with sugarcane crop residues (SCRs) for power cogeneration. Sustainability 2019, 11, 6565 2 of 15The use of agricultural crop residues in electrical co-generation processes has been widely discussed in the literature. Some authors, such as those of reference [3], systematically describe energy needs and targets, biofuel feedstocks, conversion processes, and provide a comprehensive review of biomass supply chain (BSC) design and modeling. In reference [4], the authors describe the key challenges and opportunities in the modeling and optimization of biomass-to-bioenergy supply chains. The optimization process of a biomass supply chain is essential to overcome barriers and uncertainties that may inhibit the development of a sustainable and competitive bioenergy market. In reference [5], the authors give an overview of the optimization techniques and models, focusing on decisions regarding the design and management of the upstream segment of the biomass-for-bioenergy supply chain. Another research approach is related to the integration of different optimization objectives in biomass supply chain models. There is a recent tendency to integrate economic, environmental, and social aspects in the evaluation and optimization of biomass supply chains. Some authors (for example, those of reference [6]) have reviewed the studies that assessed or optimized economic, social, and environmental aspects of forest biomass supply chains for the production of bioenergy and bio-products.The structure of this paper is as follows: In Section 1.2, we present a literature review of bioenergy supply chain optimization decisions. In Section 2, the optimization model is explained, taking into account the parameters, variables, objective functions, and constraints. Sections 3 and 4 present the results and discussion. Section 5 presents conclusions and future research options. The Julia code of the model is included as an appendix.