Purpose: The aim of this work is to develop a fast and robust CEST sequence in order to allow the acquisition of a whole-brain imaging volume after a single preparation block (snapshot acquisition). Methods: A 3D-CEST sequence with an optimized 3D-EPI readout module was developed, which acquires the complete k-space data following a single CEST preparation for 1 saturation offset. Whole-brain mapping of the Z-spectrum with 2 mm isotropic resolution is achieved at 68 saturation frequencies in 5 minutes (4.33 s per offset). We analyzed the B 1 distribution in order to optimize B 1 correction and to provide accurate CEST quantification across the whole brain. Results: We obtained maps for 3 different CEST contrasts from 4 healthy subjects.Based on our B 1 distribution analysis, we conclude that 3 B 1 sampling points allow for sufficient compensation of B 1 variations across most of the brain. Two brain regions, the cerebellum and the temporal lobes, are difficult to quantify at 7 T due to very low B 1 that was achieved in these regions.
Conclusions:The proposed sequence enables robust acquisition of 2 mm isotropic whole-brain CEST maps at 7 Tesla within a total scan time of 16 minutes.
K E Y W O R D SAPT, B 1 -correction, CEST, chemical exchange saturation transfer, 3D-EPI, rNOE, UHF, whole brain F I G U R E 1 Schematic sequence diagram of the 3D-CEST sequence. CEST saturation (shaded area, t sat = 3.6 s) is followed by a centricreordered 3D-EPI readout with binominal water excitation (t readout = 734 ms). The GRAPPA autocalibration scan and the external 3-readout phase correction scan (ePC) are acquired at the beginning of the measurement before the irradiation offset loop (δω)