A wide variety of complex phases in quantum materials are driven by electron-electron interactions, which are magnified by regions in momentum space where the density of states is enhanced. A well known example occurs at van Hove singularities where the Fermi surface undergoes a topological transition. Here we show that higher order singularities, where multiple disconnected leafs of Fermi surface touch all at once, naturally occur at points of high symmetry in the Brillouin zone. Such multicritical singularities can lead to stronger divergences in the density of states than canonical van Hove singularities, and further boost the formation of complex quantum phases via interactions. As a concrete example, we demonstrate these theoretical ideas in the analysis of experimental data on Sr3Ru2O7 in the vicinity of the metamagnetic quantum critical point, resolving several previously puzzling aspects of the data.Introduction. The properties of unconventional density waves in quantum materials are generally connected to features of the electronic band structure. Characteristic wave vectors of emergent order parameters can for example often be related to nesting-type features of the underlying Fermi surface as discussed for e.g. iron pnictides 1 , organics 2 , and transition metal dichalcogenides 3 . Yet these nesting features in themselves usually cannot account for the observed thermodynamic stability of such correlated quantum phases. Intriguingly in a range of these materials the band structure hosts energetically close-by singularities in the density of states (DOS), which have been conjectured to be crucial ingredients stabilising the emergent phases.Singularities in the DOS occur naturally at Fermi surface (FS) topological Lifshitz transitions (LT). A prominent example is the van Hove singularity (vHs) formed at a saddle point in the energy-momentum dispersion (see fig. 1a). A two-dimensional (2D) vHs has a relatively weak logarithmic divergence in the DOS but is known to lead to a wealth of phenomena such as ferromagnetism driven by the Stoner mechanism (see eg. Ref. 4). An important yet under-appreciated point is that the thermodynamic stability of the emergent phases does not only depend on the magnitude but also shape of the singularity as a function of energy 4 (i.e. gradient and curvature). As a consequence stronger power law divergences can have a much more dramatic impact on the formation of complex ordered phases than the relatively weak vHs.Building on this insight, we explore a generalisation of these concepts to multicritical topological transitions where multiple disjoint parts of a FS merge. Such multicritical FS topological transitions naturally occur at points of high crystal symmetry, where the number n of FS components merging depends on the particular symmetry. In fig. 1a-c we illustrate the symmetries associated with the n = 2 (vHs), 3 and 4 cases in 2D. When the singularity occurs at an edge of a Brillouin zone there are generically two pieces (n = 2) of the Fermi surface that join at the sin...