Body size is widely recognized as an important functional trait of predators due to its influence on prey consumption rates and diet breadth. Yet it remains unclear how the diversity of this trait within predator populations affects prey communities. To test the effects of intraspecific predator size diversity, we manipulated the number of size classes (i.e. size diversity) in the xanthid crab Panopeus herbstii and measured their consumption of the bivalve community in intertidal oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs. In the experiment, the presence of large crabs, but not size diversity, significantly affected total prey biomass consumption. The largest size class of crabs effectively consumed all bivalve prey types whereas smaller crabs were restricted in diet breadth. As such, any treatment containing large crabs had significantly greater total prey consumption and more uniform consumption across the prey community than those without. We also investigated the potential for oyster harvest to alter crab population size structure at the study site (North Inlet, South Carolina, USA). Anthropogenic oyster harvest acts to compress the surficial shell layer in reefs and could reduce crab body size by reducing the availability of refuges for large crabs. Therefore, we tested for a relationship between the height of the shell layer and average crab body size in the field. In the field survey, average crab body size decreased with decreasing height of the shell layer. Thus, our data suggests that oyster harvesting practices have the potential to skew crab size structure towards a preponderance of small individuals, thereby compromising the trophic transfer that occurs in unperturbed reefs.KEY WORDS: Biodiversity · Crassostrea virginica · Functional trait · Intraspecific · Niche shift · Ontogenetic · Panopeus herbstii.
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherMar Ecol Prog Ser 445: 65-74, 2012 66 interspecific diversity) (Bruno & Cardinale 2008, Hillebrand & Matthiessen 2009, Reiss et al. 2009, Finke & Snyder 2010. These studies indicate that functional diversity (i.e. the range of functional traits among predator species), rather than richness per se, drives ecological processes such as prey suppression (Schmitz 2007, 2009, Bruno & Cardinale 2008. For example, crab species that consume different prey types fulfill complementary functional roles in the rocky intertidal (Griffin et al. 2008). Such resource partitioning allows greater resource use efficiency, thus enhancing ecological process rates (Finke & Snyder 2008, Griffin et al. 2008.Mechanisms such as resource partitioning could apply similarly to the ecological effects of intraspecific body size diversity. For example, the partitioning of food resources is common within predator species (Polis 1984), where small and large size classes of a predator often have non-overlapping diets (Stoner & Livingston 1984). Such ontogenetic (i.e. growth-related) shifts are widespread throughout fish, amphibians, reptiles and in...