A new device, the bypass piston tube (BPP tube), for the laboratory production of temperatures exceeding 10 4°K and pressures above 10 3 atm in gases is presented. In principle, the device is essentially a shock tube and a ballistic piston compressor linked in tandem by a bypass channel. With this device a gas can be heated under considerable entropy increase, and the volumetric compression ratio can be kept desirably small. A simple theory for the kinematics and thermo-gasdynamics of the BPP tube, and the anticipated over-all performance are given. Experiments conducted in argon with a small BPP tube are described. The measured temperatures and pressures were of the order T = 1.0 X 10 4°K and p = 0.3 X 10 3 atm, which generally agree with the theory. The BPP tube principle advantageously could be used for high-performance shock-tube drivers (shock speed u s > 12 km/sec, initial pressure pi > 1 mm Hg), for launching of hypervelocity projectiles (projectile speed u p > 10 km/sec), and for producing hypervelocity, high-enthalpy flows in nozzles.Nomenclature a = speed of sound A -BPP tube cross-sectional area D -diameter of compression tube E -= internal energy k = Boltzmann's constant L Bp = length occupied by preheated driver gas before bypass L D = fictitious length defined by total entropy production in •••compression, tube Lk -compression tube length ra = mass of gas particle M -mass of free piston Ms = shock Mach number N = total number of bypassing gas particles p -pressure (p) = average pressure defined by Eq. (2) p -dimensionless pressure p/po q = dimensionless energy loss parameter Q ....= .. total energy loss R = gas constant k/m s -specific entropy t = time t = dimensionless time t/.r T = temperature f = dimensionless temperature T/T Q W = pressure work x = piston distance to end wall x = dimensionless distance X/XQ y = specific heat ratio A£ = duration of bypass process £ = dimensionless filling parameter denned by Eq. (6) p = density T = characteristic time for piston bounce, T = (Mxo/Apo) llz Subscripts f -"final" gas condition in piston bounce fill = ideal, homogeneous gas condition after "filling" of compression tube r = condition of driver gas behind reflected shock wave 0 = reference gas condition for isentropic bounce 1 = initial driver-gas condition 2 = condition of driver gas behind incident shock wave 4 = initial condition of accelerating gas 5 = condition of driver gas before bypass 6 = condition of driver gas after passage of unsteady expansion wave in bypass process