instance, SET/SHTs used in voltage-based logic system are able to reproduce digital logic based on metal oxide semiconductor fi eld effect transistor (MOSFET) and even extend to multiple-valued logic (MVL) scheme. [ 5 ] Actually, the usual ON and OFF states from a MOSFET can be considered respectively as the resonance peaks and the Coulomb blockade regime of a SET/SHT. As the latter usually displays many peaks, it enables as many ON states such as we speak of MVL. MVL has the advantages over binary logic that using higher radix (e.g., ternary, quaternary, etc.) more information can be handled simultaneously. [ 6 ] Technically, it reduces drastically the number of global interconnects and pinouts in circuits and provides complex operation computed easier than in binary logic. [ 7 ] Specifi cally, one SET/SHT with its multiple threshold voltage points (for each conductance peak) is well suited for MVL, whereas multiple MOSFETs with incremented threshold voltages are required for an equivalent circuit. [ 8 ] Thus, with a higher function density per die area, SET/SHTs would be a perfect fi t into circuit for MVL operation. However, specifi c issues remain to tackle before full SET/ SHTs integration. A major issue to address is these devices have a high output impedance and a low voltage gain which result in a small fan-out and low speed for voltage-based logic circuits. [ 9 ] Fortunately, hybridization of one SET/SHTs in parallel with a MOSFET allows higher gain voltage and high drive current operation while keeping the oscillating output current. [ 10,11 ] Such circuits have been denominated as SETMOS [ 10 ] and pave a way to exploit SET/SHT's inherent characteristics in nanoelectronics, in replacement or in addition to existing complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) functionalities. [ 12 ] Another issue results from the challenging fabrication of transistors which should have a reproducible Si island of ≈5 nm 3 for proper room temperature (RT) operation. [ 1 ] Originating from the ultimate scaling of MOSFET, 1D nanostructures like nanowires (NWs) now reach channel diameter favorable to quantum confi nement effects at 300 K. [ 13 ] In this way, silicon NW (Si-NW) transistor appears to be a valuable candidate for SET/SHT fabrication and circuit integration. Moreover, the possibility to increase the electrostatic control over the island by a gate surrounding the channel, from