[1] Geophysical turbulence is strongly influenced by the variation of the Coriolis force with latitude (b-effect): when this effect is significant an anisotropic inverse cascade is developed since energy is preferentially transferred towards zonal modes. The consequent emergence of flow structures along the zonal direction can strongly impact turbulent transport and modify meridional scalar diffusion. In this letter we investigate zonal and meridional diffusion in laboratory experiments of turbulence affected by a b-effect. The degree of anisotropy and the flow characteristic scales have been quantified according to a Lagrangian approach based on the reconstruction of tracer trajectories, i.e., in analogy with oceanic drifters data, and on the Finite-Scale Lyapunov Exponent (FSLE) analysis. An experimental confirmation of a recently introduced scaling law for the meridional diffusion in the marginally zonostrophic regime is also presented.
Turbulence and Diffusion in Flows With a b-Effect[2] Large scale planetary and terrestrial circulation are studied under the paradigm of the geostrophic turbulence introduced by Charney [1971] to model a turbulent, rotating, stably stratified fluid in near geostrophic balance. This model, based on the three-dimensional inviscid conservation equation for the potential vorticity, presents several analogies with purely 2D turbulence, e.g., the conservation of two quadratic invariants. Nevertheless, important differences exist [Read, 2001]. Here, among these differences, we will focus on turbulence modification by the meridional variation of the Coriolis parameter, i.e., the so-called b-effect, defined approximately as f = f 0 + by, where f 0 is twice the rotation angular velocity W and y is the latitude coordinate. Rhines considered this problem in the context of unforced barotropic flows [Rhines, 1975] demonstrating that the b-effect induces the anisotropization of the upward energy transfer preferentially directing it towards zonal modes. The emergence of the flow anisotropy was explained in terms of a competition between nonlinear and b terms and anisotropy of the dispersion relation. The associated characteristic scale separating the regions of wave vector space where either b or nonlinear effects respectively dominate is known as the Rhines wavenumber, n R , and can be expressed in terms of the root mean square of the velocity and b. Similar ideas can be applied to geostrophic turbulence where the baroclinic instability takes the role of the small-scale forcing and the non-linear interaction between eddies and the mean flow plays an important role in flow anisotropization; nevertheless, for small Burger numbers, the inverse cascade develops in the barotropic mode due to the barotropization mechanism [Salmon, 1980;Rhines, 1994;Read, 2001;Galperin et al., 2010].[3] The concept of the cascade arrest was introduced by Rhines [1975] for unforced flows and recently revisited by Sukoriansky et al. [2007] in the context of small-scale forced, large-scale damped, barotropic vorticit...