DOI: 10.1038/nmeth774
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Multiplexed absolute quantification in proteomics using artificial QCAT proteins of concatenated signature peptides

Abstract: Absolute quantification in proteomics usually involves simultaneous determination of representative proteolytic peptides and stable isotope-labeled analogs. The principal limitation to widespread implementation of this approach is the availability of standard signature peptides in accurately known amounts. We report the successful design and construction of an artificial gene encoding a concatenation of tryptic peptides (QCAT protein) from several chick (Gallus gallus) skeletal muscle proteins and features for… Show more

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Cited by 437 publications
(373 citation statements)
References 7 publications
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“…2A): (1) use of synthetic concatemers of tryptic peptides or QconCATs 51 to define the relative stoichiometry of each component by quantitative MS in affinity-captured NPCs; (2) In vivo calibrated imaging analysis of GFP-tagged Nups 52 , to quantify the absolute copy number per NPC of Nups selected to represent each major module of the NPC; and (3) Charge Detection MS to measure the total mass of affinity-captured NPCs 53 . For the calculation of the integrative NPC structure, the final copy numbers were rounded to fit the known NPC C 8 -symmetry and these values are indicated in Supplementary Table 2A.…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…2A): (1) use of synthetic concatemers of tryptic peptides or QconCATs 51 to define the relative stoichiometry of each component by quantitative MS in affinity-captured NPCs; (2) In vivo calibrated imaging analysis of GFP-tagged Nups 52 , to quantify the absolute copy number per NPC of Nups selected to represent each major module of the NPC; and (3) Charge Detection MS to measure the total mass of affinity-captured NPCs 53 . For the calculation of the integrative NPC structure, the final copy numbers were rounded to fit the known NPC C 8 -symmetry and these values are indicated in Supplementary Table 2A.…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Mass spectrometry quantification of the relative amounts of each nucleoprotein in the purified NPC complex was performed using two specifically designed, heavy-labeled synthetic internal standards or QconCATs 51,54 (Extended Data Fig. 2D–E) formed by concatenated quantotypic nucleoporin peptides.…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The DNA coding sequences for these peptides are concatenated, inserted into a vector, and expressed in Escherichia coli to form an artificial QconCAT protein. Growth of the transfected E. coli in stable isotope-containing media yields labeled QconCAT protein [5,6]. To achieve absolute quantification, the QconCAT protein is introduced, in a known amount, into the biological sample of interest and proteins are digested with trypsin to yield Qpeptides alongside native peptides.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Chemical synthesis and stable isotope incorporation of individual internal standards allow direct signal comparison, enabling the inference of protein quantities [4J. The production of a collection of internal standards in a single step has been enabled by the design of a DNA construct that is transcribed and translated into a protein concatamer, a technique referred to as QconCAT [5][6][7]. The produc-tion of a QconCAT protein thereby enables absolute quantification of multiple proteins using their peptide surrogates encoded within the QconCAT [7].…”
confidence: 99%