DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2011.11.019
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Multiscale spatial variability of CO2 emissions and correlations with physico-chemical soil properties

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Cited by 57 publications
(59 citation statements)
References 61 publications
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“…Zan et al (1997) observed about a 45% increase in soil C content near the soil surface (the 0 to 0.15 m depth) after replacing annual crops by switchgrass. Also, Garten and Wullschleger (1999) Average CO 2-soil and its coefficient of variation (Table 3) were similar to ranges observed for other crops in Canadian studies (Allaire et al 2012). The maximum values in 2010 were lower than in 2011 (Table 3).…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 81%
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“…Zan et al (1997) observed about a 45% increase in soil C content near the soil surface (the 0 to 0.15 m depth) after replacing annual crops by switchgrass. Also, Garten and Wullschleger (1999) Average CO 2-soil and its coefficient of variation (Table 3) were similar to ranges observed for other crops in Canadian studies (Allaire et al 2012). The maximum values in 2010 were lower than in 2011 (Table 3).…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 81%
“…In addition to microbial and plant activities, soil surface CO 2 emission fluxes (CO 2-flux ) are influenced by parameters related to: (1) soil physical properties such as temperature, moisture, texture, density, and gas diffusion (Smith et al 2003;Allaire et al 2012), (2) soil biochemical properties such as organic matter content, N and C cycles (Sainju et al 2008), (3) environmental conditions such as rain, temperature, and field morphology (Allaire et al 2012), and (4) crop management such as fertilization, tillage, and amendment (Kiss et al 2009). However, these factors vary in the field and interact in a complex manner so that it is very difficult to predict their relative and combined effects on CO 2-flux and C dynamic in soil.…”
confidence: 99%
“…[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] As diferenças na cobertura vegetal das duas áreas refletem-se nas correlações entre as variáveis e os fluxos de CO 2 pelo solo (Tabela 2). Enquanto no talhão 15 as taxas de emissão de CO 2 A existência de correlação entre a umidade do ar e as emissões de CO 2 foi observada no talhão 23 (r=0,28, p<0,055), e está possivelmente associada à conservação da umidade sob o dossel das árvores.…”
Section: Emissão De Co 2 E As Variáveis Edafoclimáticas Medidasunclassified
“…Dentre as principais características do solo que influenciam as emissões destacam-se: umidade, temperatura, textura e estrutura do solo (características físicas); conteúdo de fósforo, relação C/N, pH (características químicas); atividade microbiana (características biológicas), bem como parâmetros climáticos como temperatura, umidade do ar e radiação fotossinteticamente ativa. [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] Na busca do entendimento dos processos que influenciam o balanço global de carbono e, consequentemente, o aquecimento global, diversos estudos e levantamentos foram efetuados nas últimas décadas buscando caracterizar os efluxos de CO 2 pelo solo nos mais diversos biomas do globo terrestre. Emissões em clima temperado são maiores no verão do que no inverno, independentemente do tipo de cobertura vegetal.…”
Section: Introductionunclassified
“…Kurak çevre koşulları altında yapılan çalışmalarda yüksek emisyon değerleri saptanmıştır. Yarı kurak iklimlerde ve 640 mm yağış koşulları altında fundalık ve çalılık alanlarında yapılan çalışmada 9.31-11.5 g CO2 m -2 gün -1 , çim koşulları altında ise 5.48 g CO2 m -2 gün -1 (Allaire et al 2012) belirlemişlerdir. Yıllık ortalama toprak respirasyonu ormanlık alanlarda 2.44 g C m -2 gün -1 şeklinde ölçülmüştür (Almagro, 2009 (2008)'de Belgrad ormanında yapmış olduğu çalışmada topraktan CO2 çıkışı ile toprak nemi arasında zayıf pozitif, sıcaklık ile negatif bir ilişki belirlemiştir.…”
Section: Araştırma Bulguları Ve Tartışmaunclassified