The nitrogenase iron protein (Fe-protein) contains an unusual [4Fe:4S] iron-sulphur cluster that is stable in three oxidation states:2 + ,1 + ,a nd 0. Here,w eu se spatially resolved anomalous dispersion (SpReAD) refinement to determine oxidation assignments for the individual irons for each state.A dditionally,w er eport the 1.13-resolution structure for the ADP bound Fe-protein, the highest resolution Fe-protein structure presently determined. In the dithionitereduced [4Fe:4S] 1+ state,o ur analysis identifies as olvent exposed, delocalized Fe 2.5+ pair and ab uried Fe 2+ pair.W e propose that ATPb inding by the Fe-protein promotes an internal redoxrearrangement such that the solvent-exposed Fe pair becomes reduced, therebyf acilitating electron transfer to the nitrogenase molybdenum iron-protein. In the [4Fe:4S] 0 and [4Fe:4S] 2+ states,t he SpReAD analysis supports oxidation states assignments for all irons in these clusters of Fe 2+ and valence delocalized Fe 2.5+ ,respectively.