How the central nervous system (CNS) controls many joints and muscles is a fundamental question in motor neuroscience and related research areas. An attractive hypothesis is the module hypothesis: the CNS controls groups of joints or muscles (i.e., spatial modules) by providing time-varying motor commands (i.e., temporal modules) to the spatial modules rather than controlling each joint or muscle separately. Another fundamental question is how the CNS generates numerous repertoires of movement patterns. one hypothesis is that the cnS modulates the spatial and/or temporal modules depending on the required tasks. It is thus essential to quantify the spatial modules, the temporal modules, and the task-dependent modulation of these modules. Although previous attempts at such quantification have been made, they considered modulation either only in spatial modules or only in temporal modules. These limitations may be attributable to the constraints inherent to conventional methods for quantifying the spatial and temporal modules. Here, we demonstrate the effectiveness of tensor decomposition in quantifying the spatial modules, the temporal modules, and the taskdependent modulation of these modules without such limitations. We further demonstrate that tensor decomposition offers a new perspective on the task-dependent modulation of spatiotemporal modules: in switching from walking to running, the CNS modulates the peak timing in the temporal modules while recruiting more proximal muscles in the corresponding spatial modules.How the central nervous system (CNS) controls the human body is a fundamental question. The human body possesses 360 joints and more than 650 muscles; the CNS controls the body while somehow resolving a significant number of degrees of freedom (DoFs), in fact, more than are necessary to achieve the desired motions 1 . For example, during walking and running in daily life, these large numbers of joints and muscles should be controlled in an orchestrated manner. The module hypothesis is an influential proposal regarding how such a tremendous number of DoFs can be managed 2-6 . According to this hypothesis, the CNS effectively reduces the number of DoFs to be managed by controlling groups of joints or muscles, referred to as spatial modules, rather than single joints or muscles separately. Accordingly, the time-varying motor commands sent to the spatial modules are referred to as temporal modules.How the brain constructs various repertoires of motions is another fundamental question. One possible solution is that the brain modulates the spatiotemporal modules depending on the task at hand. On the one hand, temporal modules, rather than spatial modules, may be modulated for specific tasks, such as walking, running, executing various types of gaits, or responding to unpredictable perturbations while walking 7,8 . On the other hand, task-dependent modulation may be applied to spatial modules rather than to temporal modules for certain tasks, such as responding to unpredictable perturbations to maintain bal...