“…Since sound perception has survival value for humans partly because of its capacity to activate various emotion induction "mechanisms," or "information-processing devices at different levels of the brain, which utilize distinct types of information to guide future behavior," Juslin (2013) correctly points out that "the emotions represent an extension of the perceptual process that enables us to infer not only the identity and location of an object, but also its potential consequences or 'affordances'" (p. 240, emphasis added; see also Krueger, 2014). Indeed, as Krueger (2014) recently argues in "Affordances and the Musically Extended Mind," "musical affordances -via soliciting different forms of entrainment -enhance the functionality of various endogenous, emotion-granting regulative processes, drawing novel experiences out of us with an expanded complexity and phenomenal character" (p. 1; for further fascinating discussion on musical 4 Musicae Scientiae embodiment and affordances, see Harrison & Loui, 2014;Hutka, Bidelman, & Moreno, 2013;Keebler, Wiltshire, Smith, Fiore, & Bedwell, 2014;Maes, Leman, Palmer, & Wanderley, 2014;Reybrouck, 2001Reybrouck, , 2005Reybrouck, , 2012Schäfer, Fachner, & Smukalla, 2013).…”