“…Results of the current study reveal that internal factors including self-con dence, risk aversion and need for achievement, and external factors including economic and socio-cultural factors have a positive and signi cant impact on women entrepreneurs' success in Pakistan. So, our ndings support the previous studies results in both of developed and developing economies such as (Azmi, 2017;Rani and Hashim 2017;Muhammad, McElwee, and Dana, 2017) suggested that women entrepreneurs internal behavior self-con dence and motivational force enhance the competitive advantage, these capabilities help them to become a successful women entrepreneur. On the other hand, some other researchers (Muhammad, McElwee, and Dana, 2017;Hasan and Almubarak, 2016) have shown that external factors also in uence women entrepreneurs' success, While, our study is different from developed economies nding because they (Bastian, Sidani, & El Amine, 2018;Laudano, et al, 2018) suggested that these factors cannot signi cantly enhance women entrepreneurs' success.…”