The formation of a nascent peptidoglycan-group-specific antigen of type III group B Streptococcus at the cell membrane level was demonstrated with an M-1 mutanolysin-prepared protoplast system. Protoplasts of group B streptococci in suitably stabilized medium (20% sucrose) readily incorporated [3H]acetate into cell surface macromolecules. Four major polysaccharides were isolated from the protoplast cultural supernatant fluid: the peptidoglycan group-specific antigen polymer, the group B-specific antigen, and the low-molecular-weight and highmolecular-weight forms of the type III polysaccharide antigen. Biosynthesis of all four polymers was not affected by the action of chloramphenicol, indicating protein synthesis was not required for the production of polysaccharide in this system. However, all but the low-molecular-weight type III antigen were inhibited by the action of bacitracin, suggesting that three of the polymers share a common synthesis-assembly site in the membrane. Attachment of the high-molecularweight antigen to the nascent peptidoglycan-group B antigen complex did not occur in the protoplast system, suggesting that a more complex cell wall matrix may be necessary before linkage of the high-molecular-weight antigen takes place.Due to the recent emergence of group B Streptococcus as an important pathogen in neonatal disease (3, 4), several cell surface components have been examined as possible virulence determinants. Only the type-specific antigens, which are carbohydrate in nature (36) with the exception of the Ibc protein (35, 37), have been shown to have antiphagocytic properties, and antiserum prepared against the type-specific antigen protects against challenge by homologous organisms in animal models (17). Recent studies indicate that the type-specific antigen, as well as the group-specific antigen, are covalently attached to the cell wall peptidoglycan (10, 11). However, the nature of the covalent linkages and the stages involved in the biosynthesis and assembly of these cell wall polymers are not known.Although membrane preparations have been used extensively to study the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan and other cell surface polymers (19,33,34), intact protoplasts are advantageous in that membrane integrity is maintained, permitting studies on the biosynthesis of nascent cell wall components without the complication of an insoluble cell wall. For example, Kessler and Shockman (16), using protoplasts of Streptococcus faecalis 9790, demonstrated that the conversion of the high-molecular-weight (HMW) acylated lipoteichoic acid to the lowmolecular-weight (LMW) deacylated lipotei-choic acid was due to the enzymatic activity located on the outer surface of the membrane. Similarly, Bertram et al. (5), employing protoplasts of Bacillus subtilis and nonpenetrating reagents, demonstrated that the enzymatic activities for teichoic acid synthesis were located exclusively on the outer surface of the membrane. Utilizing protoplasts of S. faecalis 9790, Rosenthal et al. (24) observed the formation of soluble...