Resonant scattering by cavity polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity is investigated. The bidimensional photonic behavior is well shown by the angular spread of the Rayleigh scattered light on the elastic cone. Moreover, the strong coupling between the excitonic oscillator and the cavity mode enables the simultaneous observation of both ͑i͒ universal properties of disordered systems such as coherent backscattering over a large angular width, and ͑ii͒ scattering anisotropy due to the microscopic nature of the scatterer.Interference and coherence effects in elastic light scattering from disordered systems have been the focus of wide interest due to their importance in many domains of physics. 1 They have also been revived by the analogies that could be made with theories and experiments developed for the propagation of electrons in disordered systems, such as the weak and strong localization regimes. 2 For electron systems, such studies have been seen as direct evidence of the quantum nature of the electron and resulted in the breakdown of classical transport descriptions such as the diffusion equation or the Boltzmann equation.For photons, coherence effects also led to the reexamination of radiative transfer equations. 1 Of paramount importance was the observation for electrons or photons of weak localization in the form of coherent backscattering ͑CBS͒, which provides an unambiguous signature of phase coherence in the system. 1 The latter experiments are usually carried out in a large variety of physical systems ͑thin films, dielectric spheres, rods, etc.͒, where the disorder is due to fluctuations of the real part of the effective refraction index originating in either composition or size fluctuations of the scatterers. These systems allow one to adjust the scatterer density to yield a favorable ratio of light wavelength () to light mean free path (l*). 3 In other light scattering experiments the light frequency is resonant with an elementary electronic excitation. In such studies the disorder being observed is the one acting on the resonant electronic excitations. 4-8 The light reemitted by the system consists of ͑i͒ a coherent, elastic part due to static disorder, called resonant Rayleigh scattering ͑RRS͒; ͑ii͒ an incoherent, elastic part called resonant hot luminescence, involving inelastic scattering events such as phonon scattering; ͑iii͒ partially or completely thermalized contributions called photoluminescence ͑PL͒. These emissions yield information on the energy level scheme and nature of these levels, as well as on their dynamics. This is well demonstrated in twodimensional ͑2D͒ semiconductor quantum wells ͑QW's͒: early work on RRS demonstrated exciton localization effects and the existence of a mobility edge 9 while more recent studies dealt with the dynamics of RRS, 10,11 and the speckle spectroscopy of disorder. 12 In this paper, we report on resonant elastic light scattering in a 2D system where the light-matter interaction is in the strong-coupling regime. We use semiconductor microcavities, whe...