Football and its propensity have been spread globally, leading to the division/unification of the masses. The prevalence of football in the world has been a source of many researches.The aim of the study is to determine the football team support levels of the university students and the football teams supported. The research “football team supported by university students and self-defined levels of follow-up (“fanatical”, “team supporter” and “football lover”) are different, based on the basic hypothesis. The opinion poll developed by the researchers for the purpose of the research consisted of five questions. The data transferred to the computer environment, as a result of the percent, frequency and Chi-Square analyses, provided literature support in the light of scientific data and resulted in general conclusions for the purposes of the research.The survey, which was developed by the researcher to test the hypothesis of the research, consisted of five questions aimed at determining the gender, age, class, supported football team and support level. They were asked to determine the level of support they considered appropriate after giving information about team support types such as “football lover”, “team supporter” and “fanatic”. Only their own information is included in the questions. These questions are for the opinions of university students.92) it is high. The data collection tool used in the study is a personal (opinion) data survey, not scale.893 university students attended the study in different departments, 68% of them were male. 40.4% of the participants support Galatasaray, 35.5% support Fenerbahce and 24.1% support Besiktas teams. The university students who define themselves as fanatic (26.4%) are less than those who define football fans (37.5%) and team supporters (36.1%).In a gender-based analysis, it was observed that the ratio of women who define themselves as fanatic was 8.4% in males and 35% in females. Different levels of follow-up between women and men are significant when compared to Chi-square analysis.Among the university students, it was observed that the fans of Galatasaray were more than the others. 28.8% of the Galatasaray, 27.4% of the Besiktas Fenerbahceliler 23% of them identified as fanatic.