Mycorrhizal inoculation and plant nutrition have an important role in increasing the yield of maize-soybean intercropping in suboptimal land. The experimental design used was a factorial randomized block design with two factors, the first factor was AMF inoculation which consisted of two levels, namely M0 = without AMF inoculation and M1 = with AMF inoculation, and the second factor was plant nutrition treatment. with four levels, namely U0 = without the addition of nutrients, U1 = with the addition of 100% dose of inorganic fertilizer (maize = urea 300 kg ha-1 and Phonska 200 kg ha-1, soybean = 60 kg ha-1 Urea and 120 kg ha-1 Phonska), U2 = with the addition of 100% dose of cattle manure and U3 = with the addition of 50% dose of cattle manure (6 t ha-1) plus 50% dose of inorganic fertilizer (maize = urea 150 kg ha-1 and Phonska 100 kg ha-1, soybean= 30 kg ha-1 Urea and 60 kg ha-1 Phonska). The results showed that AMF inoculation treatment and application of 50% inorganic fertilizer plus 50% organic fertilizer gave the highest yield with maize grain weight of 4.3 tons ha-1 and soybean grain weight of 0.5 tons ha-1.