Pesq. Vet. Bras. 32(6):490-494, junho 2012 490 RESUMO.-A ocorrência de miíases cutâneas foi veriϐicada em 10 diferentes criatórios de ovinos no norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil, durante o período de um ano, onde foram analisados os fatores relacionados a essas parasitoses. Os rebanhos possuíam predominantemente animais mestiços Santa Inês, criados em sistemas semiextensivo. Foram registrados 50 casos e a maior incidência foi observada nos meses de março (22%) e abril (18%), períodos de maiores temperaturas e umidade relativa do ar. As patas foram as regiões mais frequentemente acometidas (34% dos casos). As lesões por pododermatites (38% dos casos), onfaloϐle-bites (10%), linfadenite (6%) e dermatobiose (6%) foram os fatores mais frequentemente relacionados às miíases. As Cutaneous myiasis was investigated in 10 sheep herds during one year in northern Minas Gerais, Brazil, and factors related to its occurrence were analyzed. The sheep were predominantly hybrid Saint Inês, bred in semi-extensive systems. A total of 50 cases were registered and the highest incidence occurred during March (22%) and April (18%), months with high temperatures and high relative humidity of the air. There was no inϐluence of sex and age for the occurrence of myiasis. The lesions were mostly found on the legs (34% of the cases). Pododermatitis (38% of the cases), omphalophlebitis (10%), lymphadenitis (6%) and dermatobiosis (6%) were the predisposing factors more frequently associated with myiasis. The myiasis was not correctly treated by the owners, but after implantation of a correct therapy, 92% of the lesions presented cure within 7 to 30 days. The results show the importance of preventive strategies based on the predisposing factors identiϐied in this study. The constant inspection, identifying wounds and precociously treating the lesions, should be routine especially at the end of rainy season and when predisposing factors are present.INDEX TERMS: Cochliomyia hominivorax, miyasis, sheep, predisposing factors, semiarid.