During the past decade myocardial stunning has been recognized and interest in its pathophysiology and clinical importance has increased [1,2]. It has been proved that intracellular calcium overload is one of the most important components of myocardial stunning [3,4]. Meanwhile, after a long period of myocardial ischemia followed by reperfusion, myocardial microvascular permeability increases significantly in dogs and rabbits [5,6]. We have found that intracellular calcium causes an increase in myocardial microvascular permeability in the stunned myocardium of rats [7].Recent evidence suggests that altered calcium flux (either during occlusion or at the time of reperfusion) might play an important role in the pathophysiology of stunned myocardium in vivo. Calcium channel Japanese Journal of Physiology, 49, 499-506, 1999 Key words: tetrandrine, microvascular permeability, myocardial stunning, calcium, rats.
Abstract:The effects of tetrandrine (Tet) on the contractile function and microvascular permeability in stunned rat myocardium in vivo were studied.